January 1-December 31, 2010
For 2010, I am planning to continue with the RYOB (Read Your Own Books) challenge! The rules are simple:
Pick a number of books you’d like to read in one year
Re-Reads are NOT allowed (the challenge is to get more of your own books read that have been sitting there waiting!)
Audiobooks & e-books ARE allowed
1 Froggy Bakes a Cake - Jonathan London
2 FroggyGets Dressed - Jonathan London
3 The Laceyville Monkeys: Say the Right Words - Harriett Ruderman
4 The Turkey's Treat by Marie Sanderlin Metroke
5 Corrigans Pool by Dot Ryan
6 The Essential Cooking Planning Kit by Godfrey Harris
Princess in the Spotlight - Meg Cabot
Knock Off - Rhonda Pollero
Knit One, Kill 2 - Maggie Sefton
Fool Me Once - Fern Michael
Murder and the First Lady - Elliott Roosevelt
Rediscovering God in America - Newt Gingrich
Twilight Whispers (audio) - Barbara Delinsky
On the Move (NASCAR) - Pam Britton
Free Fall - Fern Michaels
The Tale of the Holly How - Susan Wittig Albert