December 1, 2009 - February 28, 2010
The Royal Reviews is hosting the Winter Reading Challenge 2010. They write:
This Challenge is the brain child of Diane from The Book Resort (aka The Moody Countess). Even though it's not Winter here in Australia at the moment, in fact we are sweltering in very high temperatures usually only seen in the height of Summer, it's nice to think 'cold' to help keep us cool.
To complete the challenge, readers must read six books which meet specific criteria as follows:
Read a book not set in the USA or England.
Read a book with “Ice”, "Frost", "Chill", "Cold" "Winter" in the title.
For Valentine's Day, choose an author whose first or last name begins with “L”.
Choose a book that is not part of a series.
Read a book written in the first-person point-of-view.
Read a book with “Mr”, “Mrs”, “Miss” or “Ms” in the title.
Challenge Guidelines:
Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate. Non-Bloggers: Include your information in the comment section on the post about the challenge.
You must read all six books to complete the challenge.
Any book format counts.
You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you.
Want to join? Visit the post about the challenge.